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Foster | Birth | U of M Hospital | Ann Arbor, Michigan

To say that photographing this birth was an honor is an understatement. It was seriously amazing. I had the privilege of photographing Natalie and Jared's wedding last May, and it was one of those weddings where Gabe and I truly felt like we were part of their family. Since their wedding, Natalie and I kept in touch. After I posted on Facebook about my miscarriage in hopes to encourage other women going through similar heartache, Natalie messaged me to tell me about her own miscarriage. She would experience one more before becoming pregnant a third time with baby Foster! When she asked me to photograph the birth, I was absolutely thrilled and honored to be there.

I got there around 7pm and prepared for the long haul. Natalie's mom and sister, and Jared and I caught up on life and ate dinner in the cafeteria and tried to let Natalie get some rest. She had just gotten her epidural.

When we got back up, close to 9pm, there was a shift change. A new nurse introduced herself and decided to check Natalie since the baby's heart rate had dropped a little. She quickly said "Oh! We're having a baby right now!" We all looked at each other in amazement, and Natalie got ready to push!

The plan was for only Jared and I to be in the room, but there was no time! Mom and sister stayed, and before we knew it, baby foster was out!

A few minutes later, Natalie's dad and Jared's parents arrived to meet the new grandson, and we all laughed about how I am basically a part of their family now. But have you ever seen so much joy in a room? Just absolutely the best. Welcome to the world, baby Foster!

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